He wanted to have selected elements on him and next to him.

There is Libyan glass in the eyes and on Ank. 22K gold and other semi-precious stones pulsate their own vibrations. The diamond connects. Orgonite, on the other hand, strengthens and places clearly. Obsidian protects … Sun, moon, companions.

SIZE: 200x70x60cm

PRICE: write to suzana.lipar@gmail.com

Protector, creator. My might embraces you, your home, your creation. I carry the divine power whose source is love. I’m here. Always with you. I protect and allow you to learn to remember me within yourself. Cosmic forces are always active. Listen to synchronicities. You don’t recognize it because you look with your eyes and heart. My eye is the window of the soul which tries to be loud enough for you to perceive it. Light is my tool and material. Love is my strength. You carry my healing powers in your cells. Activate them. Live yourself to live Me. It’s that simple. I’m holding your space. I’m here. It’s safe.

He is remarkable. The creation process itself was magnificent. It took one year to create this masterpiece. Grateful for guidance and design on the instructions of the universe.

At the time of purchase, you will receive a more detailed description and a dedicated message of creation.

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